
May 19, 2022

18 Proven Techniques to Save on Gas

Prices on gas are over $2 per liter in a lot of places across the country. It's getting so much more expensive to drive around these days. What can you do to save on gas prices this summer? Read on to learn about several techniques to save on gas.

Where are we heading from here? The gas prices continue going up. The prices like this one below are a normal view in all of provinces. 

So what can we do? We should start with changing our driving habits.


Become an eco-driver. You may need to break away from some of the old driving habits. Let's take a look at what you should start doing while driving.

Drive at a steady speed

Driving at a steady speed help save fuel. Acceleration burns a lot of fuel, especially at higher speeds. Keep your speed between 80 km/h and 90 km/h. A lot of car makers recommend to drive at the cruise speed of 90 km/h when the fuel consumption is optimal.

Set your car to Eco Mode

If your car has Eco Mode, switch it on. It will reduce your car's performance and startup speeds, but this mode will help save on gas. Eco Mode does not hurt your car's engine. It has no impact on maintenance and does not create any additional problems for your car. You will definitely save on gas, though!

Accelerate slowly

Don't rev up your engine. Revving your engine wastes a lot of fuel. Accelerate in increments of 20 km/h every 5 seconds.

Slow down

Just compare: driving at a steady speed of 100 km/h instead of 120 km/h consumes 20% less gas. By the way, by driving at 120 km/h you only save 2 minutes on a 25-km trip.

Easy with the pedals

If you are used to aggressive driving: abrupt start and hard breaking, it's time to stop. By driving faster you may save 5% in driving time, but your fuel consumption will go up by 39%, recommends Natural Resources Canada.

Keep your distance

If you drive to close to the car in front of you, there are chances you will need to use your brakes. Every time you use the brakes, you waste your car's forward momentum. You will conserve fuel by keep your distance with the other cars and braking less.

Here is a free 30-min course for eco-driving. Available in English and French. 

Let's take a look at other techniques that will decrease your fuel consumption.

More tips to save on rising gas prices

Let's see what else we can do to save on gas prices.

Use A/C in a smart way

Air conditioning increases fuel consumption by as much as 20% (in the city). The rule of thumb is to switch off A/C when you drive in the city (open the windows) and switch it off when you're on the highway.

Watch gas prices

Get a gas price app like GasBuddy and watch gas prices in your neighbourhood. The idea is not to find a lower price at 50km from your place and drive there to save. The idea is to watch gas prices during the week and fill up when the price in your neighbourhood is lowest.

Loyalty cards

Check the loyalty cards you already have. Some may offer discounts on gas. Keep these cards in your wallet at all times.

Maintain your car regularly

Poorly maintained cars can burn over 20% more fuel. Check and maintain your car regularly. Go for oil change as needed. Have your mechanic inspect the brake system to make sure there is nothing causing unneeded wheel resistance (which causes increased fuel consumption).

Keep an eye on tire air pressure

First off, air pressure in the tires is an important safety measure. The air pressure should be always in line with the car's specifications. It also affects fuel consumption.

Misaligned tires will not only see more wear and tear, but will also increase gas consumption.

Remove any dead weight

Make sure you don't carry around racks and other heavy items. Every 25 kg load will increase fuel consumption by 1% in a mid-sized car (source).

Go for a fuel-efficient car

If you are changing cars, you may want to consider a more fuel-efficient car. Check out electric and hybrid cars.

Plan your itineraries

Get free driving apps like Google Maps or Waze and check the driving conditions before you jump in your car. Being stuck in a traffic jam will surely make you start and stop frequently, which will have a negative impact on your fuel consumption.

Don't idle your vehicle

If you're waiting for someone, don't idle your car. Stop it as an idling car is using some of that expensive fuel. But not only! Leaving your car idling may damage the engine and cause excess strain.

Don't idle your car in the winter, either. Warm up the engine for 30 seconds and start driving gently. The engine will warm up faster!

A mid-sized car can use between 1-4 liters of gas if it's idling for 1 hour.

Don't buy super or supreme gas

If your car doesn't require it, don't fill up with premium gas. It's an unnecessary expense.

Drive less

Actually, the best way to save on gas is not to drive at all. See if you can walk or bike more. Using public transport if it's available in your area is another option to save on gas.