
Aug 28, 2022

Children with ADHD: What Games Help Them Focus?

According to the recent stats from the US, there are over 6 million children diagnosed with ADHD in that country. In Canada, the recent data shows that over 5% of all children may have ADHD. If there are so many children with ADHD, how would their parents make their lives enjoyable and fulfilling? In this piece we will talk about what activities and games parents of children with ADHD can use to bond with their kids.

If you look around and ask your friends with kids how their children pass their free time, you will probably hear: they’re always on screens. Screens are everywhere: you’re also reading this article on a screen. We cannot take screens away, but we can help children with ADHD to use screens to their own benefit.

Is ADHD a disability?

Unfortunately, ADHD is a disability and we need to take it as such. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition, affecting how the brain concentrates or thinks. By stimulating the brain in the right way, it is possible to make the life of people with ADHD normal.

Do screens cause ADHD?

There is no evidence to show that video games, computers, or TV cause ADHD. Screens are actually used to help with ADHD. Here is a perfect example: there are even specialized video gaming apps like this one to help children with attention and concentration issues.

Are video games bad for ADHD?

Scientific research says that video games do not cause ADHD. But excessive gaming may exacerbate symptoms. Medical professionals say that kids and adults with ADHD may develop a gaming addiction.

In other words, any strong trigger may be bad for ADHD. The common triggers include stress, poor sleep, certain foods and additives, overstimulation, and too much technology. Once parents recognize what triggers their kid’s ADHD symptoms, they can make necessary lifestyle changes to better control episodes.

Should parents limit screen time to help ADHD?

Yes, medical experts recommend minimizing the length of screen time for kids in general. Children with ADHD also benefit from shorter periods of screen-based activities. The rule of thumb is to limit their screen time to 40 min - 1 hour per day.

So what activities and games should parents engage their children with ADHD in?

What activities help ADHD?

Games! Games are a great way to help kids with ADHD focus their energy so that in a way that they are entertained and acquire new skills. It’s about puzzles, memory games, active listening, and information sharing. 

Best board games for ADHD

Let’s list several games that we believe are useful for ADHD. These board games promote collaboration, but they also help with focus. You can always search these games on Amazon or any other sites or toy stores selling board games and games for children.

Children with ADHD are very imaginative; Rory’s Story Cubes will help celebrate that wonderful aspect while helping them channel it into some learning and memorable family fun.

Ice Cool Board Game

This fast-paced game of dexterity and tactical thinking challenges the game’s character to move all over the board chasing down fish while the hall monitor works to stop the action.

This is an excellent game for children aged 6 to 10 that trains early tactical and strategic-thinking skills.

There are pictures, not words, guiding game play and a game is usually completed in around 20 minutes. Highly recommended for kids between 6-10.

A swift action card game with silly animal gestures and hand slapping.

These games are also known to help with focus and concentration issues.

Crossword Games
Jigsaw Puzzles
Brain Teasers
Rebus Puzzle

Is Minecraft good for ADHD?

This is an interesting question. This website says that Minecraft can be used as a learning tool for kids with ADHD, but playing the game too often can prevent children from developing other interests. There are strategies parents can use to get the most out of Minecraft, set limits on playing time, and encourage more diverse activities. 

Roblox and Bad Pigges are other alternatives to Minecraft.

What activities are good for ADHD?

It’s not only about actual games. The following activities are known to do a lot of good to people with ADHD: Running, walking briskly, biking, swimming laps.

We hope that this guide gave you some interesting information and ideas about how to entertain your children.