
Feb 27, 2023

How Often To Wash Clothes [Expert Tips]

 Have you asked yourself how often you should be washing your clothes? We bet that you may find it challenging to keep track of how often you need to wash different types of garments. However, keeping your clothes clean is essential not only for hygiene but also for preserving their quality and appearance. So, how often should you be washing your clothes? Here's a guide to help you out.

We will start by saying that not every item should be washed after every use. Certain clothes like pajamas and bras can be worn a few times before washing. For everyday items, try to remember how many times you've worn each item and use common sense. If it's sweltering hot outside, you may need to wash a shirt more often than you would during the winter.

It's also crucial to strike a balance when it comes to washing clothes. You don't want to wash them too little, as sweat and body oils can damage delicate fibers when left on clothing for too long. 

Additionally, the longer you let stains and soil set into the fibers, the harder it will be to remove them. But washing clothes too often can also be detrimental to their longevity, especially for clothes made of delicate fabrics like silk or wool.

So, let's spend more time talking about the specific specific items of clothing? 

Let's start with bras. Experts recommend washing bras every three to four wears to maintain their shape and quality. However, some suggest washing them more frequently, especially if you wear them for long periods. Using a laundry bag and following the care instructions can help preserve your bras for longer.

When it comes to jeans, the recommended washing frequency is every four to five wears. Yet, if you want to protect their look and feel, you may consider washing them less frequently. Jeans with stretch fabric, in particular, should be washed less often as each cycle breaks down the fabric. Depending on the type of denim you're wearing, you can wash them every six weeks or up to 10 wears.

For other items like pajamas, t-shirts, and other everyday wear, a quick sniff check is a simple way to determine if it's time to wash them. If you notice body odor or sweat stains, it's time to throw them in the wash. But, if they still smell and look fresh, you can wear them a few more times before washing.

Here are some basic guidelines on how often to wash clothes:

  • Shirts and blouses: after 1-2 wears
  • Dress pants or slacks: after 2-3 wears
  • Jeans: after 4-5 wearings
  • Sweaters: up to 6 wears, if worn with an undershirt // 1-2 wears if worn without an undershirt
  • Suits/blazers/casual jackets: after 5-6 wears
  • Workout clothes: after 1 wearing
  • Sleepwear: after 2-3 wears

We have collected more tips about how often to wash your clothes in this short table. Take a look!

Here are some more tips for you to preserve your clothes longer.

The water temperature you use to wash your clothes can have an impact on their quality and longevity. Hot water can fade colors and shrink fabrics, while cold water may not effectively remove stains or kill bacteria. As a general rule, use warm water for most clothes, and reserve hot water for whites and heavily soiled items.

Using the right laundry detergent is crucial for maintaining your clothes' quality and color. Some detergents can be harsh on delicate fabrics, while others may not be effective at removing stains. Consider using a gentle detergent for delicates and a heavy-duty one for soiled items.

Properly storing your clothes between wears can also help extend their lifespan and reduce the need for frequent washing. Hang clothes on hangers to avoid wrinkles and prevent them from getting crushed in drawers or closets. Also, consider using a fabric refresher or airing them out to eliminate odors between wears.

How often do you wash bed sheets?

Even though bedsheets are not clothes, they need frequent washing too. Hygiene experts recommend washing your bedsheets every week (ideally) and once every 2 weeks (optimally). For a lot of people, it's actually too often. 

The survey, conducted by Coyuchi, a home textile company, found that: 44 percent of Americans wash their sheets once or twice a month. 11 percent wash their sheets once a quarter. 5 percent wash them only once or twice a year.

Keeping your clothes and bedsheets clean is crucial for hygiene and preserving their quality. But, not every item needs to be washed after every use. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you're washing your clothes at the right frequency, maintaining their appearance, and prolonging their lifespan.