
Feb 18, 2023

Sneaky Household Money-Saving Tips Every Canadian Should Know

As Canadians, we're always on the lookout for ways to save money, especially when it comes to managing our household expenses. While some money-saving tips may seem obvious, there are plenty of sneaky tricks that can help us save even more. 

In this article, we'll share some of the most creative and effective household money-saving tips that you may not have heard of before. From growing your own produce to renting out your parking spot, these tips will help you get the most bang for your buck.

So, get ready to discover 30 sneaky household money-saving tips that will make you feel like a money guru! Let's dive in and see how you can start saving money today.

Here are some household money-saving tips that every Canadian should know:

Unplug appliances when not in use: Many appliances consume energy even when they're not in use, so make sure to unplug them to save on your electricity bill.

Use LED light bulbs: LED bulbs last longer and consume less energy than traditional bulbs, which can save you money on your electricity bill.

Cook meals in bulk: Preparing meals in bulk can save you money on ingredients and cooking costs. Plus, you'll have leftovers to eat throughout the week.

Shop in bulk: Purchasing household essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning supplies in bulk can save you money in the long run.

Grow your own produce: Growing your own fruits and vegetables can save you money on groceries, and you'll have fresh produce right at your fingertips.

Use a clothesline: Ditch the dryer and use a clothesline to dry your clothes. Not only will you save money on your electricity bill, but your clothes will smell fresher.

Check for air leaks: Inspect your home for air leaks and seal them to save on heating and cooling costs.

Shop off-season: Purchase items like seasonal decorations and clothing when they're on clearance, and store them until you need them.

DIY household repairs: Instead of hiring a professional, learn how to fix minor household repairs yourself. You'll save money on labour costs and feel accomplished for doing it yourself.

Negotiate bills: Contact your service providers and negotiate lower rates on your bills, especially if you're a loyal customer.

Use a slow cooker: Slow cookers use less energy than traditional ovens, and they can turn cheaper cuts of meat into delicious meals.

Fix leaky faucets: A leaky faucet can waste gallons of water and add to your water bill. Fixing a leaky faucet is easy and can save you money in the long run.

Rent out your parking spot: If you have a parking spot that you don't use, consider renting it out to someone in need. You'll make some extra money and help out a fellow Canadian.

Make your own cleaning products: Many cleaning products can be made at home using common household ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Making your own cleaning products can save you money and reduce the number of chemicals in your home.

Plan your meals around sales: Check your local grocery store flyers and plan your meals around the items that are on sale. This can help you save money on your grocery bill and also introduce you to new ingredients or recipes.

Make your own coffee: Buying coffee from a coffee shop can be expensive. Invest in a good quality coffee maker and make your own coffee at home. You'll save money and enjoy a cup of coffee in the comfort of your own home.

Use a water filter: If you're buying bottled water or using a water delivery service, you're spending unnecessary money. Instead, invest in a water filter and enjoy clean and refreshing water at home.

Insulate your windows: Insulating your windows can help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, which can save you money on your heating and cooling bills.

Shop at thrift stores: Thrift stores are a great place to find gently used items at a fraction of the cost. Consider shopping at thrift stores for clothing, furniture, and household items.

Use reusable containers: Instead of buying disposable containers for your food and beverages, invest in reusable containers. This can help you save money and reduce your environmental impact.

Switch to a lower cell phone plan: Check with your cell phone provider to see if there are lower cost plans available that still meet your needs. You may be able to save money on your monthly bill without sacrificing features.

Borrow instead of buying: If you need a specific tool or piece of equipment for a project, consider borrowing it from a friend or neighbor instead of buying it outright. This can save you money and reduce clutter in your home.

Cut your own hair: If you're comfortable with a simple haircut, consider cutting your own hair instead of going to a salon. You can save money on haircuts and also avoid the hassle of scheduling appointments.

Make your own gifts: Instead of buying expensive gifts for birthdays or holidays, consider making your own. You can create something unique and personalized, and also save money in the process.

Avoid overpaying for groceries: Be mindful of the unit price of items at the grocery store. Larger sizes may have a lower per unit cost, but only if you can use the entire quantity before it spoils. You may also be able to save money by buying generic or store-brand items instead of name-brand items.

Participate in a neighbourhood buy and sell group: Join a local buy and sell group on social media to find gently used items for a fraction of the cost of new items. You can also sell items that you no longer need, which can help you make some extra cash.

Use a library instead of buying books and movies: Instead of buying books and movies, consider borrowing them from your local library. You'll save money and also have access to a wider variety of titles.

Consider a house swap for your vacation: Instead of paying for expensive accommodations on your vacation, consider a house swap. You can swap your home with another family and enjoy a free place to stay while exploring a new city.

Purchase energy-efficient appliances: Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can save you money on your energy bills in the long run. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label for the most efficient options.

Buy a water-saving showerhead: Swapping out your old showerhead for a water-saving one can save you money on your water bill without sacrificing water pressure. Look for showerheads with a WaterSense label for the most efficient options.

By implementing these sneaky household money-saving tips, you can save money on your monthly expenses without sacrificing quality of life. Remember, every little bit counts, and small changes can lead to big savings over time. Happy saving!